Rust Inhibitor Paper

From £55.92 Ex Vat

Rust Inhibitor Paper

From £55.92 Ex Vat

  • High quality Kraft antirust paper
  • Coated with Volatile Corrosion Inhibitor (VCI) to protect metals against rust
  • Acts both on contact and at a distance
  • Anti corrosive paper mainly protects steel and iron
  • Protection for ferrous and multi metals against rusting (e.g. copper, aluminium)
  • Protects against extreme climatic environments
  • VCI is safe for industrial packaging and can be used for indirect food contact applications

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Price per Pack
Code Pack Qty
1 - 9 packs 10 - 19 packs 20+ packs
STSS501000 1000mm
x 200m 50GSM
£67.90 £63.37 £55.92

Ex Vat

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